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Contact Information

Response time for email should be within 1 to 2 business days. Response time for mail sent through the U.S. or German postal systems will vary. Operating hours for phone calls is Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Offices are normally closed all weekends and U.S. federal holidays. For emergency assistance, please call the 24 hour Military Police desk at your location.

Public Affairs Office

DSN: 314-599-0057

Civilian: +49 (0) 9641-70-599-0057

Email: 2cavreg@gmail.com

Address: 2d Cavalry Regiment

BLDG305, RM 108
Unit 28920, APO AE 09112

Staff Duty:

2CR Staff Duty: 314-476-5035

1/2CR 314-599-3156

2/2CR 314-599-1515

3/2CR 314-599-3445

4/2CR 314-599-0213

FAS 314-599-3077

RSS 314-599-3500

RES 314-569-1306

For sponsorship issues, please contact Mr. Norman Dine: norman.r.dine.civ@army.mil