Command Sergeant Major Joseph Larson is a native of Rhode Island, he entered active duty service in June 1998 and attended One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Fort Benning, GA as an Infantryman.
Prior to the War Eagle Squadron, CSM Larson served in a variety of Airborne, Light, and Stryker Infantry leadership positions from Machine Gun Team Leader, Rifle Fire Team Leader, Rifle Squad Leader, Weapons Squad Leader, Rifle Platoon Sergeant, Scout Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, and Operations Sergeant Major. Lastly, he has successfully served with distinction as a Recruiter, Fort Drum Pre Ranger NCOIC, Senior Military Science Instructor, and Battalion Operations Sergeant Major.
His assignments include Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fort Bragg, NC; Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Infantry, Schofield Barracks, HI; Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry, Fort Riley, KS; Fort Drum Recruiting Company, Syracuse Recruiting Battalion; 10th Mountain Infantry Division's (LI) Light Fighters School; Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment; Charlie Troop and Headquarters and Headquarters Troop 3rd Squadron, 71st Calvary Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Infantry Division (LI), Fort Drum, NY; Syracuse University Army ROTC Program, Syracuse, NY; 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, JBLM, WA. His operational deployments include Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
CSM Larson's military education includes all levels of NCOES (SGM-A Class 71), First Sergeant Course, Ranger Course, Sapper Leader Course, Mountain Winter Warfare Course, Recruiter Course, Army Basic Instructor Course, Army Combative Course, Air Assault Course, Rappel Master Course, Master Resiliency Trainer course, and Airborne Course. CSM Larson is currently pursuing his MBA.
CSM Larson is married to Kimberly and has three dogs Gus, Mabel, and Otis.